New KlimaGuard Line Helps Small Planet Supply ‘Stick’ to Its Values
/“Our climate crisis necessitates that all builders need to have access to these materials if we are going to meet our climate goals.”
Starting in April, Small Planet began offering a new line of high-performance building tapes called KlimaGuard. Since we already offer a number of high-performance tapes, you may be wondering why we’ve added another line to our inventory. The answer is quite simple: incredible value. Small Planet Supply CEO Albert Rooks made this change to address an unmet demand in the market. “Builders want to construct better buildings,” Rooks said, “But the high cost of high-performance tapes makes it difficult to stay within budget.”
Rooks researched European high-performance brands and worked with a well-known manufacturer to develop a tape that is both high-performing and high value. You may be wondering, why is this being released now? “It’s a matter of urgency,” Rooks said. “Passive House builders have known for years the contribution high-performance tapes and membranes make to creating an airtight-envelope. Our climate crisis necessitates that all builders need to have access to these materials if we are going to meet our climate goals.”
Check out the first products in our high quality, value-priced line.
“These tapes are our first step in providing affordable building envelope products”, Rooks elaborated. “We’ve started with three simple applications: Exterior sheathing and membrane joint sealing with a two-inch tape that’s rated for six-month exposure and sticks to virtually everything. We then took the same tape and made a 4” wide version that sticks to wood and concrete without a primer for joining walls to foundations, going around corners, or into rough openings. The tape in all sizes is not only vapor-open but is also variable like the “smart” membranes. Finally, we took the same “crazy-sticky” acrylic adhesive tape and made a version for windows. It has a unique printed line at 5/8” on one edge and a matching split back for placing on the interior or exterior of the window to rough opening joint. The backing material is fibrous and can be painted or plastered over. This first series of KlimaGuard are made in Germany and the quality is excellent. The motivation behind bringing these new tapes into the market was to drill through the cost barrier and offer high performance tapes at ‘building code’ like prices. “
Wondering what’s next on the horizon? “We have more ideas in development!” Rooks noted. “On the books for introduction at Small Planet Supply in the next twelve months is a new interior membrane, new interior tapes, and more hydronic fan coils. We will also be working more on our company’s internal processes so we can make asking questions, discussions, and ordering easier for everyone. The end goal is to help more homeowners and builders purchase and confidently install quality, high-performance products in their buildings.”
Learn more about KlimaGuard tape on the KlimaGuard page of our Small Planet Supply website. To order now, click here.